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5 Steps to Begin Your Journey of Self-Publishing a Children’s Book

Enid Blyton, Herge, Roald Dhal, J. K. Rowling and many other writers should have left a deep mark on you as a child that later on inspired you to write for children. For many acclaimed writers, becoming a children’s author is a challenging job being an adult. However, if you have the gift of writing stories or non-fiction for children with a nice flair then contact publishers who might be interested in publishing your book. Otherwise, self book publishing along with a trusted agency can also be an excellent alternative, particularly for risk-takers. You can opt for the latter option if you are not that good at approaching publishers to print your book and are also eager to keep full rights to your book.

Check out the five steps to begin your journey of self-publishing a children’s book—

Vibrant pages & cover designs

While planning to design a children’s book, you have to work hard to make it more attractive to toddlers or teens. Make sure the pages are colourful and vibrant with the perfect balance of texts and images or illustrations to grab the attention of your young readers. Work on designing the page layouts with a professional for the best outcome.

Likewise, attractive childrens book covers have a key role to play when it comes to motivating readers to buy the book. In this case, parents or relatives buy the books for the little ones.

Work together with a gifted illustrator

Talented childrens book illustrators are always needed when drawing illustrations for books. Hire a freelancer or you can also get help from the agency supporting your self-publishing venture. However, make sure that this talented person is a good listener and together you can perfectly collaborate to create a book you aim to publish.

Stylish typography

With the help of designers, use stylish typography instead of the regular Calibri or Ariel. You can opt for more Sans or calligraphy font with italics to make it more gripping for your young readers.

Introduce animated characters

Study on trending animal characters trending these days. Dragons, rhinos, unicorns, elephants, tigers etc. should be your characters to make it more appealing to the kids.

Plan online or offline

Decide on which platform and how you want to publish the children’s book. You have rooms open for Kindle Direct Publishing as eBook formats. You can also upload an audiobook along with printed copies of your new book after manoeuvring it with Studio 24 UK and other technology.