If you are serious about writing, get yourself prepared for book presentations as a way of marketing. Injecting facts of interest always helps keep the audience riveted.
Another way is to opt for self-publishing on Amazon.
Life will get easier once you realize that you only need to stand up in front of people with a smile and willingness to share your personal writing story, as well as that of your book.
But before a writer can do that, he or she must draw the attention of the people who schedule presenters. It doesn’t matter whether the audiences are large or small, but the interest should be there. That draw helps in encouraging more people to buy books.
It’s wise to continue to use social media and make local connections through this avenue as well. Having a website and blog is a must and keeps your visibility alive.
Hire professionals such as White Magic Studios for creating a website and guiding you on how to use social media consistently. Also get all the book’s self-publishing requirements done by professionals.
When you first market your books; after sending out up to a hundred press releases, you’ll receive only a few responses for book talks, but gradually you will expand your areas of press releases. You’ll discover that even with only a few book talks scheduled; success generates success, and more venues becomes open to your presentations.

If you’re writing non-fiction books, you may be booked for several talks about the topic (if it’s an off-beat/interesting one); another form of book income.
Don’t make book talks boring. No droning on and on. Inject humour and still talk about facts using a Power Point with plenty of pictures. That is exactly what you should do. When you hear laughter, you should know you’re connecting.
Expanding your audience is another way to increase income. You can have book presentations scheduled in libraries, bookstores, and schools. Some of your talks can be tailored to appeal to children, and adding a craft to keep their attention is most important. Hire children’s book illustrator for an attractive kid’s book.

Giving book presentations is enjoyable, and it’s a nice stream of secondary income. It takes time to build visibility, using press releases, social media, a website, and a blog, but when you use humour to connect with the audience, your presentation will be a success and open doors to more possibilities.
If you are looking forward for Kindle self-publishing, be sure to convert your book into e-book first. And don’t ignore the book-cover, layout, editing, etc.