Independent publishing has been around since a long time. So whether it’s an indie publisher who sees the value of an author’s special work & aids in self-publishing or the author herself/himself who take the reins of publishing in an entrepreneurial spirit; it is very necessary that they don’t take no for an answer.
Nurture these qualities to become a successful self-publisher. An excellent quality would be to associate with an indie publisher, who will take care of the technicalities.
Depth of understanding
Self-publishers have been associated with authors or they themselves are avid readers and writers. Hence they understand which formatting works the best. They understand the publishing and promotion tactics (say through book trailers). Self-publishers also understand the reader’s vein & they work towards meeting a reader’s expectations (though book formatting services, say).
Self-publishersshould have a thorough knowledge of the industry/audience for which a piece of writing has been developed. Independent publishers know the publishing industry. They are book designers who have reviewed publishing models, understand the platforms necessary to gain attention of their author’s works, and offer propositions accordingly.
Take initiative to learn
To learn new set of skills and the latest technology; is an extended role of preparedness. So authors should ask questions, take feedback from readers & publishers and upgrade themselves continually to set themselves apart from the competition. A competent self-publisher like White Magic Studios leaves no stone unturned to give the best to a book publishing. They are the answer to your query –Which are the best book cover designers near me?
Perseverance is the mark of a truly successful self-publishing author. Getting knocked down should not demoralise them. Instead, this should be a stepping stone to trial of new techniques and avenues of writing & publishing. Else tie-up with an indie publisher who is an expert and knows how to gain traction in the marketplace.
Sense of purpose
Authors should be driven by a sense of purpose. Successful people wake up every morning with a vigorous plan of action. So, balancing the day with planning, communication, research & execution should be practised instead of languishing and procrastination.
Passion is a very essential quality of any successful person, be it an author opting to self-publish or an indie publisher. Successful independent self-publishers, UK as White Magic Studios are committed to excellence and never compromise on the quality. They have the resilience to maintain the quality of the book even if takes long or the financial gratification is less.
Self-publishing authors or otherwise should be committed to positivity. Seeing the bigger picture and approaching each day with a positive approach will bring about success. An indie publisher is very positive (they have been in this field long enough) & naturally this contagious positivity effects authors as well.
Hence if authors can ingrain these qualities, they can definitely be successful, i.e. gain popularity and of course, money.
NOTE: You create the knowledge, let self-publishers, deliver the ultimate experience for your readers through their expertise in book illustration designs; both through human resources and technology, and in the various fields of publications.
And remember, that in the good old days, you would go to the traditional publishers, get rejected several times, change your story to their likings, print 5000 copies, earn very little. That’s not the pace anymore. It is print on demand now.

Now approach indie publishers, who will work in coordination with you, ask for your suggestions, offer their inputs but the final say is yours, & the best part is that the whole profit is yours too. Moreover, printing is done on demand and is available on all online platforms & across all the well-known libraries.