Our Authors

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See what our authors are saying about their magical publishing experience with White Magic Studios!

The Legend of the Last King of Cumberland

The Legend of the Last King of Cumberland

Legend has it that the Last King of Cumberland, King Dunmail, fought and lost a mighty battle with King Malcolm, King of the Scottish clans on Grisedale Fell in Cumberland. His faithful warriors buried his body under a cairn and threw his golden crown into Grisedale Tarn, every year the ghosts of King Dunmail’s warriors return to look for the crown, intent on returning it to King Dunmail, but if you listen quietly a voice on the wind whispers; ‘not yet my brave Knights, not yet’.

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    Perhaps the time has come for King Dunmail’s restless soul to find peace because Max Forshaw is beyond excited about going on a field trip with his geography class to Grisedale Fell. Having learned about the legend of the Last King of Cumberland from his beloved grandad, he wants to explore and is adamant he will find the golden crown, but perhaps it is not that easy! Meanwhile Max’s older brother Sam needs to choose a topic for his history project and settles on the Medieval Knights that were discovered in an archaeological dig under The Priory at Sea Cove Bay.

    Are the two linked? Continue the extraordinary adventures of brother's Sam and Max Forshaw as they discover their unique gift to connect with unsettled spirits - the souls of the departed yearning for peace. The third book in the Sam Forshaw collection is an exhilarating read, fast paced and full of intrigue. Come and join the adventure!

From Fear to Freedom

Descent From Tulku: Chronicles Of The King

A King imagined an Empire. Welcome to Tulku.

Its Kingdom and people discovered. A Huntsman from Finland worked for Tutankhamun in Egypt.

A war veteran wrote a Letter to Tutankhamun. He wanted an Exile for the Huntsman.

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    A Bear went on his mysterious journey from Canada to Egypt. In order for Tutankhamun to exile the Huntsman, the Bear must be sacrificed by a Priest to the King.

    In order for Tutankhamun to give glory to the gods. A Boy priest rescued the Bear. His father became a prisoner.

    His father was rescued by the Bear. The Bear Died. The Huntsman died.

    Tutankhamun Son declared war against the Huntsman. Who won the battle?

From Fear to Freedom

From Fear to Freedom

The extraordinary true story of one woman’s journey from fear to freedom.

Cut off from the world with the effects of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, Michelle never envisaged the path that was about to change her life.

After a diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Michelle refused to succumb to the fear of death, beginning a journey of self-discovery to freedom.

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    This transformational memoir brings forward powerful realisations about the power of our mind, disconnecting with fear and adversity, and opening up new possibilities to transforming your health.

    No matter what adversity comes our way, it is certain that ‘a way will be found’.

Becoming Aware of THE BIG-YOU

Becoming Aware of THE BIG-YOU

Unlock the transformative power of your true self-learn to collaborate with your innate guide, the Big-YOU, and embark on a journey toward clarity, purpose, and an authentic life.

Becoming Aware of THE BIG-YOU covers my entire journey: - my 'A-ha!' moment didn't come with fanfare or a grand revelation, but rather as a quiet understanding that led me to a surprisingly effective remedy and how I got my life back on track. In This Book, You'll Discover:

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    • How to connect with your intuition, instinct and inner wisdom, referred to as the Big-YOU, and foster a conscious relationship that enables you to design the life you desire. (Chapter 1)
    • The Big-YOU is the ultimate life companion, an unshakeable co-pilot ready to guide and uplift you through even the darkest of times - if you only learn to listen to its' wise and comforting voice. (Chapter 2)
    • Imagine a life filled with fulfilling relationships, financial security, vibrant health, and rewarding experiences-all by learning the strategies to collaborate with the powerful inner wisdom of the Big-YOU. (Chapter 2 and 3)
    • Effective techniques for remaining unaffected by negative emotions, thoughts, and feelings and other revelations that spark our understanding of what it truly means to be alive. (Chapter 4)
    • Ways to experience unconditional love, peace, and joy in the present moment, regardless of external circumstances. (Chapter 4)
    • Insight into why your 'manifestations' may not be working, and how it is the Big-YOU whose role it is to manipulate energy, frequencies and vibrations to create the events that you experience - this book reveals the process! (Chapter 4)
    • Techniques to release anxiety, self-doubt, self-sabotage, and destructive behaviours. (Chapter 4)
    • Approaches to effortlessly create from a mindset of abundance, flow, and ease. (Chapter 5)

    No matter your past, your origins, or your experiences, happiness, unconditional love, and a profound sense of fulfilment are attainable for everyone. The pursuit of an extraordinary life resonates with many, yet the path may seem daunting.

    This book provides a structured yet digestible set of strategies to elevate your self-awareness and empower you to realise your highest potential. In these pages, you will discover valuable insights crucial for connecting with your TRUE SELF and nurturing a life filled with meaning and adventure, one that enriches both you and the world around you. This book is crafted to guide you beyond superficial thinking, leading you to the profound truths that have always resided deep within your soul - The Big-YOU.

Grandma & Mr Myles go to India

Grandma & Mr Myles go to India

Grandma has travelled the world. One day, she decides to take her grandson and his mum to India on her big purple magic carpet. When they arrive, Grandma talks about all of the seven chakras in our bodies and how they are like wheels, that we must keep spinning to stay healthy. She also describes how our emotions are linked to each chakra and what we can do to keep them balanced.

This is the first book in a series on the teachings of spiritual wellbeing for children.

cats of moon crescent

Cats of Moon Crescent

Lindsay's affection for cats is inspired by her experiences in a vicinity full of them. After adopting kittens, she observed their feline interactions with other cats, igniting her curiosity about what life feels like from a cat's perspective. Each morning, she envisioned the cats gossiping about nature from their doorsteps.

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    A particular cat, who Lindsay named "Heart Nose" inspired her to write in new characters, some exaggerated or imagined. Lindsay believes cats impart essential lessons about emotions, senses, and responsibility. The book combines humour and heartfelt moments, appealing to both children and anyone seeking wisdom through the lens of feline companionship.

Pretty Precious Poems

Pretty Precious Poems

Pretty Precious Poems is a poetry book filled with variety emotional themes and with the hope of the readers imagination, a creation of stories will appear in each and every one of them. With these stories, the reader could embark in a new world of their own and hopefully have some relation between them and the poems itself.

Dear John

Dear John

In "Dear John," author John B White presents a heartfelt glimpse into his family’s past through wartime letters written by his grandmother to his father, an aircraft fitter stationed in Egypt during World War II.

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    These letters, discovered in a family box and shared by John, offer a moving, personal perspective on life during wartime. Accompanied by family photos and notes about historical references, this book beautifully captures the bond between mother and son and the resilience of the human spirit. A sincere thanks to White Magic Studios for bringing this story to life. Available now on Amazon and in major bookstores.

Quotidian Tales

Quotidian Tales

Dive into the mysterious and the unexplained with "Quotidian Tales" by psychologist and parapsychologist David Vernon. This fascinating collection of short stories explores paranormal and psychic phenomena, from telepathy and precognition to remote viewing and energy healing.

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    Each fictional story is grounded in real, scientifically researched concepts, providing an accessible introduction to the field of parapsychology. With a background in scientific research, David crafts tales that are both entertaining and enlightening, challenging readers to consider the mysteries of consciousness and the mind. Perfect for anyone curious about the paranormal, consciousness, or the unexplained. Available on Amazon and at major bookstores.


Earlsferry and Elie - A Scottish Golf Heritage

Explore the rich golfing heritage of Earlsferry and Elie, a historic golf course on Scotland's picturesque south coast, with retired Scottish judge and author Graham Johnston. "Earlsferry and Elie - A Scottish Golf Heritage" delves deep into centuries-old traditions, the founding of local golf clubs, and the fascinating history of this beloved course.

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    With over 300 pages of meticulously gathered research, this book celebrates Scotland's profound connection to golf. A heartfelt thank you to White Magic Studios for their guidance and support in bringing this passion project to life. Available now on Amazon and at leading bookstores.


Albert Edward Spring - No Ordinary Man

A very human story of the impact of the two World Wars on a humble country boy and his family.

Having lost his father when he was only 14 months old he saw action with the best in World War II with the Commandos, the SAS and the Parachute Regiment.

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    It is said he walked amongst giants.

    Albert became a gamekeeper of repute in his beloved countryside around the village of Winwick.

    Albert Edward Spring was certainly No Ordinary Man!

Wisdom Nuggets

Wisdom Nuggets

The daily readings in this Devotional are written to help you connect with God meaningfully. Each day, you will find a scripture passage and an applicable reflection to guide you on your faith journey, deepening your relationship with God and helping you to experience His love and grace in a new way.

May this book be a blessing to you and help you to strengthen your faith and grow in your relationship with God. May you be filled with His peace and joy as you spend time in His presence each day?

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    Hansen Mettle, a seasoned teacher of the Word, is the Founder and General Overseer of Christian Worship Centre. His ministry spans over three decades during which period he has also established a children’s home, a regular school, a radio ministry, and Bible College. Hansen Mettle is a prolific conference speaker and author, and his ministry has taken him to various countries on the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. Hansen Mettle is an alumnus of Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership (Singapore), former member of Ministers Fellowship International (USA) West Africa leadership team, and member of Kingsway Fellowship International (USA). He is married to his beautiful wife, Julie, with whom he has a wonderful family life.

Threads of Destiny

Threads of Destiny

"Threads of Destiny: Embracing Responsibility with Compassion" takes readers on a heartfelt journey through the life of Gerard Conway, a man shaped by his life’s experiences.

What unfolds is a compelling story that extends beyond the individual journey to touch the universal aspects of the human experience. Gerard, with a profound understanding of the intricacies of life, invites readers to embark on a reflective journey through his own life story, which illustrates the interconnectedness of our shared existence.

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    In the pages of "Threads of Destiny," Gerard shares his personal triumphs and tribulations, offering a window into the complexities of his experiences.

    His story is not just a chronicle of events but a demonstration to the power of empathy and compassion.

    As readers navigate through the chapters, they find themselves drawn into the emotional landscape of Gerard's life, discovering the threads that connect us all.

    The title, "Threads of Destiny," suggests a deeper exploration of the closely connected nature of our lives, highlighting the invisible ties that bind us together. Gerard's story becomes a metaphorical loom, weaving together the fabric of his life.

    Through his words, he implores readers to recognise the impact of their own actions on the greater tapestry of humanity.

    "Embracing Responsibility with Compassion" emerges as a central theme, guiding readers to contemplate the significance of shouldering responsibilities with a compassionate heart.

    Gerard's journey becomes a beacon of inspiration for those facing their own trials and tribulations. The story does not shy away from the challenges he encountered but instead emphasises a resilient spirit—a "never give up" attitude that becomes a rallying cry for those navigating their own paths.

Stan Has a Plan

The Naughty Poodle Polo

“Experience the heart-warming adventures of Polo, the real-life poodle dog, in this delightful children’s book.

Join Polo as he embarks on his daily escapades, showcasing his lovable yet cheeky and sometimes naughty personality.

Despite his mischievous antics, Polo’s infectious happiness shines through, filling each page with laughter and smiles.”
Stan Has a Plan

Daniel Rivers

Stan Has a Plan:

Trouble was brewing at Fenswick Farm.

A terrible creature was lurking ready for his next meal. Luckily, Stan the street-wise rabbit was around to lend a helping paw.

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    Could his plan work, or would his friends be on the menu tonight?

    Get ready to meet Ronnie and the other inhabitants of the farm as they attempt to stop the beast in a way no-one could have planned... no-one except Stan.


Lynn Pickup

An exciting day out with friends turns into a rescue mission when Timmy the Turtle and his friend Nico come to the aid of their sealife friends Sammy the Starfish, Dino the Dolphin and Swirly the Seahorse when they become trapped in plastic objects that have been thrown into the sea.

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    A plastic bottle, fishing net and a discarded flip flop find their way into our oceans and seas worldwide and making the future generations aware of this problem hopefully we can save our planet for mankind. A lovely story whilst sending an important message.

    “Don’t throw plastic in the sea, keep it clean for you and me!”


Ian Mcvean

Geo Cameron was a practising Shamanic priest until she became ill. This account is of her meeting with the author (Ian) and of their brief love affair.


Priti Kaur

This book is written to inspire those who feel confused, and unhappy and struggle to talk about their mental health issues. I have been that person; I have been confused about my career and personal life. It has been a challenge, but it is one that helped me to identify the help I needed to seek. Through doing a lot of harmful things to myself, none of which benefitted me but only made me feel more insecure about myself, I have now taught myself how to deal with my issues.

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    This book is a guide to how I opened my mind to the world of possibilities, and I taught myself that it's okay to do things my way for a change. The norm of the world has also made me feel very stressed, depressed, and worried but I will now ensure that any obstacles I face in the future work to my advantage.

    Everything in life is a lesson to be learned or one to be taught to others around us, so never feel as if you have wasted time in your life. You have only become wiser. We have to remind ourselves that we are replaceable so it's time you put your needs and wants first before you regret it. Life is short, live it to the fullest. Don’t wait on others to tell you when it’s the right time, you decide your future.


Jay Walternash

‘Luna is a rather adventurous cat.
She enjoys her exploits, there’s no doubting that.’

In this marvellous rhyming children’s book, Luna the cat’s attention is caught by something quick and mysterious that races past. Luna eagerly gives chase, but will she find out what it was that sped by?

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    Children will be captivated by Luna the cat. This fun tale will engage early readers with its intriguing story and wonderful illustrations. Rhyme and wordplay combine for a delightful children’s book, which cleverly plays on the everyday antics of cats. A perfect early reader book with vibrant illustrations.


Helen Sharpe

The Pirate Legacy

Sam Forshaw is the great, great grandson of a pirate. He doesn’t know it yet but he is about to embark on the adventure of his life, because Sam has a gift!

Captain Black Heart has been betrayed and murdered by his arch enemy Jake Spode, and his soul is not at rest. Every fifty years the pirate legacy allows contact with a living relative to help him find peace.

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    Can Black Hearts ghost reach Sam and lead him to the truth and the treasure?

    But wait - There is another - Jake Spode! Does he have a living relative?

    Who will find the treasure first and lay Black Hearts soul to rest?


    This is the first book about the adventures of Sam Forshaw and his special gift. More adventures coming soon!

Kelvin Brown

Kelvin Brown

Life is never dull in Little Bardon, as Kelvin Brown discovers in ‘I’m not one to gossip – tales from a small village’

The 32 short stories about characters living – and dying - in this small country village close to Essex marshland paint a picture of a community from whom no secret is safe and no opportunity to gossip is missed.

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    Each story is stand-alone, but they mostly interlink in some way.

    Many of the stories revolve around the pub, where drunken escapades are planned, tall tales shared, and the regulars constantly order “Pint of Old Todger and bag of scratchings, Peggy love.”

thirty five years nurse

Ruth Gathercole

‘Thirty-Five Years A Nurse…But I Wanted To Be A Vet!’ Is a humorous collection of memoirs from Ruth Gathercole’s varied and interesting career in nursing. From the early days of her nurse training in the 1980’s, along with all the hilarious mishaps and endearing patients, through her years as a staff nurse on Children’s Ward and beyond. Midwifery training, Neonatal Nursing, Sexual Health clinics, being a School Nurse and all the shenanigans that go with that territory! Later becoming a Specialist Nurse for Looked After Children, Ruth captures all the most memorable moments of her nursing journey, sometimes moving and heartwarming, sometimes just downright funny!



Imagine a perfect London; a place with no lawbreakers, no criminals, and no dangers to a peaceful society. A perfect city that keeps only the most perfect of citizens and throws the rest away behind an unscalable wall into a wasteland known only as Exile. Lewis, an ordinary university student, somehow finds himself cast away with the other dregs of society into this anarchistic land.

Along with the help of a convicted murderer and an unlikely friendship with a possessive sociopath, he soon loses his sense of morality and becomes lost in a dark and villainous version of himself whilst struggling to survive in a land where he must learn to either kill or die.


Rosomond Webb

Rosomond Webb is a popular author of children’s literature, including periodicals and annuals. Her philosophy is:

“Whereas it is vital that children encompass today’s modern technology, they should also be taught to appreciate and respect the wonder of books - whether it be for educational use or for the pure joy of absorbing themselves in a fictional story.”


Gerry Hogg

Gerry Hogg is a multiple-marathon runner who has competed in races all around the world. He has run 42 competitive marathons, including London 11 times and Berlin 3 times. He hails from Whanganui in New Zealand and now lives in Taunton, England, with his wife, Julia. He has one daughter, Lucy. Gerry ran competitively in New Zealand for Whanganui Collegiate School, where he achieved the office of captain of cross country. He ran the qualifying standard as a schoolboy to represent New Zealand at cross country.

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    He regards winning regional races in New Zealand in front of royalty – in the form of Prince Edward – as one of his more surreal cross-country-running highlights.

    Gerry has been a fully qualified coach for over 10 years. He coaches at the Taunton Athletic club, as well as keeping his hand in with other local clubs. Other interests include playing the guitar, heavy rock music and travelling the world.

    Gerry moved to the UK in 1987. He previously worked at Queens College, Taunton, for over 35 years.

thirty five years nurse

Andrew Earnshaw

Having circumnavigated North America in 2009, the author and his doughty pillion rider decide to tackle Russia and Georgia. It’s a test ride really, a pre-cursor to attempting to ride their motorcycle across Siberia. Blocked from entering Georgia, they decide to ride around the Black Sea, heading for Turkey, then Georgia. In doing so they pass through Ukraine and Crimea, before getting thoroughly lost in Transnistria. Their journey, which took place in 2012, took them to twenty-one countries, one rebel breakaway republic and one British Overseas territory - in some cases areas that have now changed forever. There are numerous sub-plots woven into the narrative: discoveries of well-known and lesser-known cultural gems, vignettes of history and geography and the unusual tales of an extremely fortunate mule and a swashbuckling kidnapped rabbit.


Dee MacQueen

This is the story of a loveable friendly freshwater trout called Flappity, from his birth to his retirement on the river.

Flappity loves to have fun with his school friends and always tries to be fair and kind, which I would like to think comes over in this book.

As Flappity grows older he takes responsibility for his actions which doesn't go unnoticed by the hierarchy of the river.

The Adventures of Bobby the Robin

The Bobby the Robin stories take place in the Grand Duc’s estate in England. The Grand Duc is an Eagle Owl and is French and he has another estate in France. The English estate runs like a medieval fiefdom and is administered by his Senechel (steward) who is a Buzzard. He ensures the Grand Ducs rules are followed. It has a modern administrative system with a Mayor, (a Jackdaw called Jack), a Sheriff, (a Crow called Choucas), a Judge, (a Jay called J), and a committee. Composed of a Woodpigeon, called Columbus, a Chaffinch called Frin, a Nightingale (Gobbemouche in French) called Gobby, a Pipit called Pip, a Woodpecker called Woody, the community carpenter and a Blackbird called Merle, the community Undertaker.

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    In addition there are two lawyers, the Public prosecutor, a Magpie called Madge and a Public Defender a Little Owl called Athené.

    The stories embrace modern social concepts and problems, like immigration, racism, single parenthood, and food banks and as such are an allegory of life as was and is now.

    The stories start with Bobby being evicted from his home, according to Robin law, as he is now considered an adult. They follow his life’s experiences (adventures) in the wood owned by the Grand Duc.

RIVER PIKE in Northern England

Bill Winship

This thoroughly original book on RIVER PIKE in Northern England is written by Bill Winship who has fished for and studied river pike for over fifty years. No man alive understands this subject better than the author making this the Bible for anyone interested in catching Big Northern River Pike. Enriched with portraits, line drawings and colour photos of numerous big river pike this book embodies a unique fifty-year study. The science is balanced with twelve red letter days of big pike successes plus an account of the capture of what is probably Britain's biggest ever rod caught pike.

A Sign of Change

Lol Marson

Leaving home after accusations of stealing and hounded by the press, Nigel takes refuge in an old cottage on a country estate. Here he can fulfil a promise and expose the truth, but in the meantime, he needs to stay aloof. This will prove difficult enough with building work being undertaken on the 'Old Manor House' on the estate and at 'The Coopers' public house. Added to this situation, Nigel's inquisitive nature and an impulse purchase, catapults him as a prime talking point by the local villagers. Let's hope it does not detract him from his goal.

My Tormented Mind

Rocky Troiani

This is a true story written in my own words of my life's journey being subjected to child abuse. The programming of a young innocent mind is vital for the adult years ahead. There are many forms of child abuse from physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. The psychological damage in later years if go unnoticed can result in a journey of aggression and loneliness. My insecurities and lack of self-worth took me on a journey into adulthood that created a person I didn't wish to be on a journey I did not want to be on.

The Shiners

Kevin Parsons

The 'SHINERS' are a small group of fun characters that live and work on the Moon doing a very important job. They get two young visitors one night from somewhere in England on planet Earth. These visitors are a young brother and sister, Harry and Sophie. They meet the Shiners and soon they all become friends.

The Shiners take Harry and Sophie through the Moon and how they operate the Moonshine. This becomes a fun, night adventure for Harry and Sophie.

The next day they wake up to find a very surprised Dad asking if they have anything to tell him when he shows them something they left on the Moon.


Carl Illingworth

It's the year 2170. The world is governed by cyborg corporations.

In the mechanical metropolis of Doradheim, one young man by the name of Morathos, seeks a way to change the fate of humanity and slow down the chokehold on nature caused by such technological advances. However, his attempts lead to the inadvertent emergence of a substance that falls into the wrong hands, and the consequences become cataclysmic.

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    In an effort to undo what has unfolded and reclaim possession of this unusual material, he is forced to confront the seemingly insurmountable task of undoing his deed by finding the origins of it and establishing how it came to be.

Richard Wellesley

Richard Wellesley

Date of experience: April 10, 2023

White Magic Studios provided the much-needed editing, illustrations, and layout. Hello, my name is Richard Wellesley. When I retired, I took a course in English literature at the Open University. There were six modules, and one of the models was a module on Children’s literature. It was then that I decided that one day I would write my own book for children. The Hedgehog, the Dog, the Donkey and the Little Girl, this delightful tale is available in both hardback and paperback editions and is perfect for children of all ages.

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    My daughter Rosanna, who's already a successful author and illustrator of children's picture books, encouraged me to write the story, and White Magic Studios provided the much-needed editing, illustrations, and layout. The result is a beautiful book that I'm proud to share with you. The story follows the journey of a hedgehog who's visited by the ghost of his grandfather, who advises him to leave the hedgerow and make a better life for himself. He teams up with a retired sheepdog and a grumpy donkey, and together they join a failing circus. The friends' brilliant circus acts start to bring in the crowds, and the circus thrives once again.

    As a parent and grandparent myself, I understand the importance of reading enjoyable books to children. Too often, books marketed for children can be boring and uninteresting for adults. That's why I was determined to write a book that would entertain both children and adults. White Magic Studios' beautiful illustrations add an extra layer of magic to the story. For example, there's a circus lion thinking he'll lose his job if the circus closes, weeping in the arms of his surprised trainer 'what will become of me?'. And the hedgehog and the dog trying to help the donkey back on his feet after an unsuccessful 'head over heels' roll down a hill, causing mayhem with local wildlife.

    I believe that with White Magic Studios' excellent help and advice, I have produced a book that will keep the parent awake while sending the children to sleep with happy dreams. I highly recommend White Magic Studios to anyone who has written a book but needs help with the intricacies of the publishing process. Trust me; they're the best in the business. So go ahead, grab a copy of The Hedgehog, the Dog, the Donkey and the Little Girl, and immerse yourself in a world of magic and wonder.


Harry Aslanidis customer

Date of experience: December 24, 2022

First and Best of All Publishers Unlike the several other publishers I have dealt with, in the past, I found White Magic Studios most approachable, most friendly, and always reliable. They are absolute masters of graphic design and have produced the most powerful, eye-catching covers for all 3 of my books I have been privileged enough to publish with them. Their text formatting is also second to none. I give them 5 star ratings across the board. Harry Aslan (4.8 and 5.0 star rated multiple author)


Cathy Waud

Date of experience: January 10, 2023

A Positive Experience

From my first phone call, I was impressed by the polite, friendly voice (John) which explained how White Magic Studios (WMS) help authors to self publish their work. All my questions were answered in full and it did not take long for me to decide on this form of publishing.

Once the process was underway, I also had email and phone discussions with Vrinda and John. I can honestly say I was impressed by their courtesy, helpfulness and friendliness in all my contacts. I was allowed to view my work and make comments/alterations throughout the process. Consequently, I was delighted with every aspect of the finished book which included its cover (designed by my grand-daughter), layout and letterings. I have no hesitation in recommending WMS to anyone who wishes to self publish.



Date of experience: November 15, 2022

I am 75 and a first time author, I knew nothing about the process. White Magic Studios were the perfect people to produce my book. They took me through it stage by stage. Because I knew so little, I gave poor Vrinda a few headaches, sorry, which she dealt politely and professionally. My book is beautiful and is selling better than I could ever hope for. I will be sending them my second book shortly and look forward to working with Vrinda and John again.



Date of experience: December 05, 2022

Quick responses, clear instructions what the process involved and friendly, efficient communication throughout. Progress of book was communicated and I felt in control of its production from start to finish. Editing was prompt. It helped to have a designated person to correspond with who was efficient and encouraging. I was very pleased with the cover design and layout.


Rocky Troiani

Date of experience: November 15, 2022

White Magic Studios your amazing

White Magic Studios has made my journey of writing my first book such a truly pleasurable experience. Totally throughout with whole process I received regular progress reports extremely thorough and completely so helpful and reliable. I felt I was part of a family and that for me was so comforting. John was the very first person I spoke to and was such a true support really was. Vrinda I have to say was just amazing so thorough and totally made everything so easy for me as a first time writer. An amazing team really are. White Magic Studios genuinely cares for your work and are so sincere in all they do. I highly recommend this amazing company and will be most certainly be using them again. I love them all. Brilliant ❤.


Robin Chester

Date of experience: June 15, 2022

A Little Bit o' Magic

Very efficient and prompt service. Delighted with the design cover and layout and my first fictional novel, A Little Bit o' Magic. My only slight disappointment was the unit printing cost per book, which was more expensive than previous quotes I had been given.

Against this, the fees for publication were highly competitive. All in all, very satisfied and would definitely recommend.

Many thanks to Vrinda and John for all their efforts and all the best for the future.


Mr Vincent Lerigo-Smith

Date of experience: July 21, 2022

A happy and fulfilling experience

I've truly enjoyed working with Vrinda, John and the team at White Magic Studios.

They have listened carefully to my ideas, been patient while I fixed my mistakes, and always been clear on the process.

It's been an enjoyable experience that's helped me to finally realise my ambition and publish a book.


Bill Winship

Date of experience: June 08, 2022

White Magic Studios are a Must visit site for all writers and artists.

I found it quite straightforward to prepare the manuscript for my book but the process of formatting it into book form requires a high degree of technical skill. At this point, I contacted White Magic Studios for professional help and for a small fee they agreed to format my manuscript and they even found a platform to sell it from on a global scale! Working with the White Magic Studio staff has been a pleasure throughout the stage-by-stage process. At each stage, good advice was given to carefully build the book step by step towards ultimate perfection. My book has been in the making for over 40 years. Thank you W.M.S. for turning a dream into vivid reality!


Carl Illingworth

Date of experience: August 27, 2022

Professional, friendly and respectful

I was very impressed with the services that White Magic Studios offer. They have distributed my novel to all major libraries and bookstores as well as online, and set up an author website, book trailer and so much more.

They have dealt with all aspects of the process very professionally and only proceeded after seeking my approval - they gave me full control throughout.

Vrinda and Ronald were both very friendly and helpful. They were informative and keen to answer any of my questions.

I would gladly recommend White Magic Studios to any authors as they have been outstanding.



Date of experience: October 23, 2021

Mr. Peel's Posters

Varun, Vrinda and the Team at White Magic Studios have been brilliant. Helping me every step of the way to successfully publishing my book. Mr. Peel's Posters

has allowed me to introduce an important figure in the history of poster making to a wider public.

Their patience and guidance, combined with an eye for detail, has resulted in a book that I am happy to call my own.


Keith Wells

Date of experience: September 29, 2020

Superb result to a difficult task

I contracted White Magic to design 3 new book covers for 3 of my 8 novels. A quote, timescale and questionnaires setting out the parameters agreed. First drafts were complete within a few days and all requests for changes, most of which were my requests additional to my original concept, were completed quickly and efficiently by WM. I now have 3 new covers which embody the theme of the novels' content and look excellent. Keith Wells


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