From scratch (the idealisation of a book) to a final book on the readers’ hand; is a long process.
It is true that if you want a tool which will open more doors, cultivate influence, and create a market for you; then it is writing a book.
Now, for writing a book you need a topic. If you don’t already have an idea lingering for some time in your mind, the best topic is yourself. Writing about your (or anyone else’s) struggles and then success in that particular field is encouraging enough for a struggler to pick it up (to read) for positivity.
The first step of writing a book (or doing any business) is planning. Only having intentions of writing doesn’t help. You have to sit down and have a plan to get this done. Make a plan of; how many times in a week will you write, or how many hours will you write every day, & also what will you do on days you get stuck.
Plan the cover design. A book cover is most vital to writing a book. It is the face and makes the book real. Hence, engage the best book cover designers, UK who will create the cover which summarises the idea of the book. You may hang the covers all around the house to give you the motivation to write that book.

Now start writing.There’s no set rule; how much time should you devote to complete a book. Sometimes the same author takes around 3 years to complete one book, whereas he may take around 1 day to complete the next. It depends. Start with the outline of the chapters. Then type your thoughts and stories one chapter at a time. One more way to write a book is to compile all your blogs into one book.
Some prefer to use a ghost writer for their books. A ghost writer will write the book according to your ideas. Children’s book illustrators, UK will illustrate it. You will retain the authorship of the book.
Read your book after you have finished writing the book. Read your book before you give it for editing. You may feel like adding extra chapters, stories or lessons.
Layout should be done Often book layout design is ignored by writers because either they think it’s unnecessary or they feel it involves more expenses. Layout of a book gives the reader a pleasant experience which is important. Moreover if you go with the whole package of editing, layout formatting, etc. from a self-publisher, UK such as White Magic Studios; it’s very reasonable.
Get your book edited. Never try to edit your own book. You should hire professional book editing/formatting companies for a good book sans mistakes. A fresh pair of eyes are an absolute necessity. Spelling and grammatical mistakes distracts the reader from the narrative. Editing, proof reading, formatting can be done by expert book publishing companies.
Know the importance of illustrations. Illustration services are an integral part of story-telling, be it fiction or non-fiction. In non-fiction, graphs or complicated technical ideas can be clearly conveyed across to the reader. In fiction too, a better idea of what the writer wants to say is put across both in children’s books or otherwise.

Publish Again, employing publishers who aid in self-publishing will help you keep your ideas and within your budget. It will be made available to the largest libraries, and also on online forums such as Amazon. Print on demand takes place.
Market Marketing your book through trailers, author’s website, book reviews, podcasts, launch parties, etc. gives it the last push to reach your readers in the form of a physical book or an e-book.