Blog :: White Magic Studios

Self-Publishing companies have a plethora of services to offer- Let’s explore

Lately, have you been thinking to publish a recently written manuscript? Though writers seeking fast recognition and best sales experience set up meetings with eminent publishing houses, you can go off the flow and choose to self-publish your new book. Now you might ask why I should shoulder the whole responsibility of self-publishing that also …

Self-Publishing companies have a plethora of services to offer- Let’s explore Read More »

How to Self-Publish your Book?

Self-publishing is often chosen by many successful writers these days by dodging the myth that it was only the way out for new or unsuccessful writers to print their manuscripts usually, rejected by the traditional publishers. If you have got your final manuscript ready and intend to publish it, despite wishing to print the book under …

How to Self-Publish your Book? Read More »

Book covers that make readers ‘Swipe Right’: Why you should never compromise on your book’s cover?

How does it matter?  You might think. After all, the real deal is inside the cover.  Well, it’s funny how the success or failure of something, in most cases in life, comes down to one or two seemingly small, insignificant to the result, factors. Book covers are like those factors to your book’s success. How …

Book covers that make readers ‘Swipe Right’: Why you should never compromise on your book’s cover? Read More »

How Authors Can Make Money

How this author made millions with her EBook: And why you need to get your EBook too?

Have you ever heard of Amanda Hocking? Doesn’t sound like a big name in the world of literature. But if you wish to be an author, you need to know her story. She is about to become your inspiration. Amanda was sitting with many unpublished books for years… Why? Incessant rejections from publishers. Like her …

How this author made millions with her EBook: And why you need to get your EBook too? Read More »