Blog :: White Magic Studios

Why does the world belong to those who read and write

Why does the world belong to those who read and write?

”Reading is good for you.There’s something undeniably special about reading.”  It’s official! Reading could help you live longer. People who read books, live for around two years longer than those who don’t; irrespective of gender, wealth, education or health, according to a Yale university study.  You develop skills of the future. One study shows how growing up …

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A novel on History- not yet history

Creating such a book requires lots of research & creativity, and are a delight to readers if presented properly. Cos we know, a historical novelhas as its setting; a period of history and that attempts to convey the spirit, manners, and social conditions of that period with realistic details. We also know, the work may deal with …

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Dear Michael Dear Laura mockup

Romantic novels: how to write?

Romance novels continually top New York Times best-selling charts. Since times immemorial, romantic stories keep us pleased and happy. These stories are optimistic, aspirational and provide escapism from the harsh reality. Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice is a classic example of a very successful romantic novel. The British publisher, Mills and Boon published a number …

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